Environmental impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Anjali Saxena# ・ Ankita Dua# ・ Chandni Talwar ・Mona Singh ・ and Rup Lal*

The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the environment garnered attention from the outset of the crisis, with observations and studies of immediate repercussions as well as long-term forecasts. Year 2020 has been billed a "Super Year for Nature" in a variety of conversations on environmental issues. Epidemics and even pandemics are influenced by a variety of biological variables, which can result in a variety of environmental feedbacks. The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was designated a pandemic on March 11, 2020, and its quick onset, vast geographic spread, and complex implications make it a once-in-ageneration global calamity. The COVID-19 pandemic had a wide range of environmental repercussions by in the year 2020, both beneficial and harmful, such as air and water quality improvements in metropolitan areas and disastrous contamination owing to the disposal of biomedical and organic waste that piled up during this period. This review presents a summary of the COVID-19's observed and potential environmental effects.

DOI: 10.59118/BRFI4998
PAGES : 42-48

How to cite this article:
Saxena, A., Dua, A., Talwar, C., Singh, M., Lal, R. Environmental impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Microsphere. 2022;1(1):42-48. DOI: 10.59118/BRFI4998
