• Environmental Contribution: Address environmental issues related to soil contaminants, groundwater, surface water, and food in India through targeted research and development. This will be achieved by organizing conferences, workshops, and outreach programs. INSCR will also scope and collaborate with various colleges/institutes for conducting seminars/symposiums/conferences.
  • Advancement of Microbiology: Promote the advancement of microbiology across its various branches, including bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology.
  • Innovation and Technological Advancements: Support and facilitate innovative research and technological progress in microbiology, particularly as it pertains to human health. This will involve organizing conferences, workshops, and outreach programs, as well as providing financial support for such activities.
  • Sharing Knowledge and Education: Facilitate the exchange of research experiences and outcomes both nationally and internationally, and offer education and training opportunities related to soil microbiomes and human microbiomes.
  • Microbial Literacy: Develop resources to popularize microbiology among the general public, including children, policymakers, and administrators, through workshops, conferences, and lectures at national and international platforms.
  • Contaminant Movement and Pathways: Enhance research on the role of microbes in decontaminating priority pollutants in soils, plants, water, and air.
  • Contaminants in Food: Evaluate the types and concentrations of contaminants in food sourced from contaminated lands and identify their origins.
  • Microbial Diversity and Health Impacts: Create awareness about the importance of microbial diversity in sustaining Earth and its role in the development of a prosperous Bharat.
  • Remediation Measures: Recommend regional remediation technologies and methods.
  • Scientific Excellence: Promote high standards of scientific excellence in microbiological research and establish awards for outstanding achievements in the field.
  • Collaboration and Networking: Foster national and global collaboration and networking among microbiologists and microbiology societies.
  • Advocacy and Policy Influence: Advocate for policies that support microbiology research and education.
  • Education and Outreach: Enhance microbiology education and inspire future microbiologists.
  • Affiliate Associations: Support and collaborate with related associations, such as the Ciliate Biology Association.
  • Government Advisory Role: Advise governments on research findings and remedial measures for environmental contamination.
  • Policy Development: Assist regional governments in developing policies to mitigate social, economic, and health impacts, incorporating recent advances in microbiology.
  • Financial Policy: The Network operates strictly as a non-profit entity, with all income and resources dedicated to fulfilling its aims and objectives as outlined in its Memorandum of Association. No dividends, profits, or financial benefits are distributed to members, ensuring all resources are reinvested into the Network's mission.